Central Police Headquarters, Victoria
Mon - Fri: 8.00 am to 4.00 pm.
Crime Sropper


Loperasyon pour rod Marvin Asba i entansifye

Lapolis i rod lasistans militer, Interpol e ogmant rekonpans

Dan zot demars pour retrouv Marvin Asba de semenn apre son disparisyon, lapolis in demann Prezidan Danny Faure, ki Komandan an Sef Lafors Defans, pour ki militer i asiste zot dan zot loperasyon ek resers pour retrouv sa zenn garson.

Lapolis in osi lans lapel avek Lapolis Enternasyonal Interpol pour ganny lasistans detektiv enternasyonal  pour asiste zot dan zot bann envestigasyon.

Sete Komisyonner lapolis Msye Reginald Elizabeth ki ti donn sa bann lenformasyon lapres lokal yer bomaten.

Komisyonner Elizabeth in osi dir ki lapolis in ogmant sa rekonpans ki zot ti pe ofer pour lenformasyon konkret ki okenn dimoun i kapab fourni sorti 50 mil roupi pour vin 100 mil roupi.

Komisyonner Elizabeth in fer kler ki larzan pour sa rekonpans in sorti dan bidze ki lapolis i gannyen.

Drug trafficking - Man and woman arrested in two separate cases at Anse Boileau

The National Drugs Enforcement Agency (NDEA) has made two arrests during the last week of April 2017.

In the first case NDEA agents arrested a 27-year-old man on April 26, 2017 at Anse Boileau for the offence of trafficking in a controlled drug.

The man was arrested with approximately 4.17grammes of suspected heroin wrapped in cling film, some herbal materials suspected to be cannabis also wrapped in cling film and a sum of R4,636.50 in different denominations along with a digital scale. 

At the NDEA station a case was registered against him for the courts then he was fingerprinted, interviewed and photographed before being cell transferred to the Central Police Station. 

Incident off Silhouette - No one on board boat when it capsized

There was no one on board the seven-metre fibreglass boat when it sank close to Silhouette on Sunday afternoon, the Islands Development Company (IDC) has said.

In a press communiqué dated Monday May 8, 2017, the IDC wrote that the seven-metre fibreglass boat belonged to La Belle Tortue guesthouse on Silhouette island and had gone to Grand Barbe for a visit.

The boat was carrying five persons, including the manager of the establishment, some staff and friends.

Still according to the communiqué, the boat got to Grand Barbe and was anchored close to the beach.

Investigation underway to determine if undeclared firearms have entered the country

No undeclared firearms have entered the country recently, the Minister for Home Affairs Mitcy Larue told Assembly members yesterday morning, but she stated that an internal investigation is being conducted to determine what really happened and once this is completed the Assembly will be informed of the findings.

This was in answer to a private notice question asked by the leader of the opposition Wavel Ramkalawan who also wanted to know the owner of the said arms, the procedures to follow when foreigners enter the country with firearms as well as under which conditions foreigners are given permission to enter the country with firearms.

Minister Larue stated that the arms in question belonged to the personnel security of His Highness the Emir of Qatar. With regard to arrangements and procedures in place for foreigners to bring firearms in the country, Minister Larue said authorisation and permission in writing should be sought from the Commissioner of Police and there are procedures in place to follow.

“In this particular case a request was received from the Department of Foreign Affairs and was forwarded to the Commissioner of Police who circulated copies to the head of response tactical support services and the head of the airport police who then informed its security and customs,” Minister Larue informed members, noting that all the above mentioned parties work together to verify and inspect the arms before a related form with all the necessary information is countersigned by all.

Minister Larue stressed that these procedures apply both on entry and when the arms leave our country.

Police academy students learn Chinese

Forty four students at the Seychelles Police Academy (SPA) have enrolled on a basic Chinese language course as part of their training.

The course, which is being facilitated by the SPA, the Confucius Institute in collaboration with the University of Seychelles (UniSey), started yesterday morning at the SPA at Pointe Larue.

The new course aims at introducing Chinese culture in Seychelles since China’s economy and exchanges with the world and even with Seychelles have seen rapid growth over the years.

There has also been a sharp increase in the world’s demand for Chinese learning.

All sessions will last two hours and are to be conducted once a week.

The course will also allow the students at the SPA to better interact with Chinese tourists.

Seychelles and Mauritius discuss and share homeland security issues

Bilateral co-operation on homeland security issues such as police and prisons management, drugs smuggling and detection, health and detoxification treatment of drug users in prisons were the subjects of discussion when Home Affairs Minister Mitcy Larue met the Prime Minister of Mauritius, Pravind Jugnauth, in Port Louis this week.

Minister Larue is heading a high level prisons and police delegation during an official five-day working visit to Mauritius.

She is accompanied by the Superintendent of Prisons, Vic Tirant; her special advisor for Police, Sheryl Vengadasamy; principal probation officer Elsia Nourrice and prisons security intelligence officer, Shafik Andrade.

Talks with the Prime Minister and Minister for Finance and Economic Development, Pravind Jugnauth, focused on the strengthening of friendly relations and bilateral co-operation between the two countries.

Mr Jugnauth, who also holds the portfolio for Home Affairs, External Communications and the National Development Unit, pointed out that Seychelles and Mauritius share similar social problems such as drug trafficking and poverty which is affecting the productivity and socio-economic development of both island states.

New detention facility for men awaiting trial commissioned

A new detention facility for male detainees awaiting trial was officially opened on Wednesday, as part of reform initiatives being undertaken by the prison authorities.

The Detention Remand Facility, the country’s first, is located within a compound of the Seychelles police at Bois De Rose Avenue (formerly the Seychelles Coastguard base).

The facility, which was officially commissioned by the Minister for Home Affairs Mitcy Larue,  

has cost R6.5 million and has been fully financed by the government of Seychelles.

Two men, one woman arrested for drug related offence

The National Drugs Enforcement Agency (NDEA) has arrested three persons for the offence of trafficking in a controlled drug during the course of last weekend and in the middle of this week.

During an operation conducted on Saturday April 15, 2017 at Kap Bonm Zan, Anse Royale NDEA agents arrested a 45-year-old man after they found herbal materials suspected to be cannabis drug and 180 suspected cannabis plants at his house.

Also found during the operation after the NDEA searched his house was a digital scale and a sum of R3,125 in different denominations.

Panic as Hyster container handler causes fire at New Port

A fire broke out in a Hyster container handler at the New Port yesterday afternoon at around 1.45pm, but fortunately there were no fatalities.

The Seychelles Fire and Rescue Services Agency was soon alerted of the incident and Seychelles NATION has learned that the fire started after a small explosion in the Hyster container handler – a vehicle used to lift containers on the port. The fire also partly burned items in two nearby containers.

Law enforcement officers complete maritime security training

Nine officers from the police and other law enforcement agencies, namely the Financial Intelligence Unit, National Drug Enforcement Agency and the customs department received their certificates yesterday after following a week-long training course in cyber-enable financial crimes.

The course was conducted by four experts from the Federal Investigation Bureau (FBI) and the Interpol and was run under the European Union’s Maritime Security MASE programme/Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (Comesa) framework and financed by the European Union (EU).

It was aimed at building the capacity of the country’s law enforcement agencies involved in anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing activities linked to maritime crimes.

Present at the ceremony were the Commissioner of Police Reginald Elizabeth, senior officials from relevant agencies.


The police force in the Seychelles is a national body which falls under the control of the National Commissioner of Police, who is appointed by the President subject to the approval of the National Assembly....


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