Central Police Headquarters, Victoria
Mon - Fri: 8.00 am to 4.00 pm.
Crime Sropper


Monthly crime rate drops by nearly half in 5 years

The country’s monthly crime rate has for the last 5 years dropped by nearly half, with the record lowest figures recorded in August this year.

According to statistics communicated by the police, a total of 283 crimes were committed for the whole of last month compared to 543 in August 2012, representing a total drop of 48%. Among those crimes, we see a 46% decrease in thefts (85 compared to 157 in 2012) and 56% in burglary or night robberies (66 compared to 148 in 2012).

Crime figures have also dropped considerably compared to the same period of last year when a total of 429 crimes were committed, the average standing at about 34%. Same applies to specific crimes with 127 thefts and 129 burglaries in August 2015.

The figures were communicated by police spokesman Jean Toussaint during a press conference at the police headquarters yesterday afternoon.

Indian construction worker dies in truck accident

An Indian construction worker died yesterday after being trapped under a truck at North East Point.

According to the police, at about 8.40am a heavy laden construction vehicle was travelling up a steep hill on a secondary road going towards North East Point. The driver and two passengers were seated in the front of the truck and six workers were at the back.

Sudden death of senior police officer

The Seychelles Police Headquarters has announced with sadness the passing away of one of their senior police officers, Assistant Superintendent (ASP) Winsley Georges Françoise (54).

Preliminary investigation indicates that, during the early hours of yesterday morning, ASP Françoise slipped and fell while walking down a flight of stairs in his house at Mont Fleuri.

At 3am, ASP Françoise’s partner, who was present in the house at the time, heard the sound of someone falling and immediately rushed to the staircase in the house. She found ASP Françoise lying at the bottom of the staircase with noticeable serious injuries to his head.

More than 60 drivers charged with drinking and driving over the weekend

More than 60 drivers were charged over the weekend with driving with alcohol content in their bodies above the prescribed limit.

This comes barely a few days after the police had launched their ‘Festive Season Crime Prevention’ campaign which included the ‘Arrive Alive’ campaign to combat drinking and driving.

During the weekend, static roadblocks targeting drunken driving resulted in 62 drivers being charged with driving with alcohol content in their bodies above the prescribed limit.

Minister Bastienne refutes corruption allegations

The Minister for Habitat, Infrastructure and Land Transport Charles Bastienne has categorically refuted recent corruption allegations against him, allegations which have been reported in the local press.

He has rather threatened the perpetrators with “looking into the possibility of dealing with them”, meaning taking legal action.

It was on December 1 that the Seychelles Weekly newspaper reported that in October this year, Mr Bastienne, then Minister for Internal Affairs, had received the sum of R122,500 from the chairperson of a Nepalese recruitment agency named United Manpower Agency in return for the recruitment of Nepalese personnel for the Seychelles Police and Prison Services. According to the Seychelles Weekly, the money was paid through a representative of a local recruiting agency called Ligi’s Agency and a security firm - Marpol Security Services - in which the newspaper claimed Mr Bastienne owns interests.

The minister has reacted to the accusations by saying that they are personal attacks against him and attempts to discredit President Faure’s government. In a meeting with the local press yesterday, he denied having interest in the security company and ever meeting the Nepalese businessman who has made the accusations.

“There is neither fire nor smoke in this situation. My hands are clean and for the two years I have been in government, I have worked for the betterment of every Seychellois,” he said.

According to his explanation, the saga has arisen just because the Nepalese national at its source was not given business by the Seychelles’ government. The minister however admitted R122,000 was paid “to an individual” as recruitment fee for 12 Nepalese, while rejecting accusations that the money reached his office. This in spite of claims of a video showing a young lady counting a significant amount of money which she says was destined to the minister’s office.

Announcing that President Faure has asked him to shed light on the matter through the press, he also confirmed that he has already sent a relevant report to the Head of State. His account is that he was approached by the two Seychellois proprietors of the security firm who in return of a recruiting fee of R500, offered security officers for a salary of $600, instead of $1200 dollars which was being paid to Nepalese already working for the prison and Police.

“If I was corrupt I would not seek to pay $700 instead of 1200 which would permit the country to make savings of R16 million per year,” he commented.

However Minister Bastienne said, after a first group of officers had been recruited, some of them refused to work for a salary of $600, only agreeing to do so if they were refunded $8000 which they had paid for their employment.

Fewer road accidents and fatalities this past festive season

The police have said they believe that the ‘Arrive Alive Campaign’, road blocks and spot checks may have contributed significantly towards the reduction in road accidents and fatalities this past festive season.

From December 31, 2016 until Tuesday January 3, 2017 a total number of 22 accidents were reported to the police. Almost the same number of cases, 23 to be exact, was recorded during the Christmas season.

Only one case of serious casualty was recorded during the New Year period whereby a 19-year-old male from Roche Caiman is still admitted in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) following a scooter accident on the main road near the airport.  

Out of the total number of accidents during that period, excluding the victim admitted in the ICU, five people received medical attention and released.

Only two drivers involved in the total number of accidents were tested with alcohol content in their body over the prescribed limit.

No cases of fatal accidents were recorded during the Christmas and New Year period compared to one case on New Year’s Eve in 2015 which claimed two young lives.

The police would like to acknowledge and profusely thank all stakeholders, partners and public in general for their participation and contribution in the ‘Arrive Alive’ campaign.

Police rescue foreigners in distress

The police mounted a search party to rescue a Sudanese male visitor aged 35 years accompanied by his two-year-old daughter who got lost while exploring La Digue over the weekend.

Call for help from the man was received on Friday August 12 at around 2.50pm. Helping the regular police with this search and rescue operations were officers from the Response Services Unit and also Fire and Rescue Services Agency based on the island.

Through the mists of history … The Seychelles Police Dog Unit

The Seychelles Police Dog Unit was established in 1972. The dog section which comprised five male German Shepherd dogs was housed at the Union Vale prison. Here they are with their respectful “Boss”.

From left to right: Inspector Chang-Waye and Mick, P.S Sauzier and Rocky, P.C Lesperance and Bruce,  P.C Bijoux and Rubert , P.C Payet and Rebel.

Compiled by Tony Mathiot

Fatal sea accident off La Digue in August: Marine Accident Investigation Board completes investigation

The Marine Accident Investigation Board (MAIB) has completed its final report following the incident and loss of lives on fishing vessel Faith, which occurred on the evening of August 13, 2016.

The investigation was initiated by the MAIB on August 14, 2016.

The report has been submitted to the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Transport Joel Morgan.

Commenting on the incident, Minister Morgan said: “As I receive this report, I am reminded just how tragic this incident was to not only the families of those who died but to the entire Seychellois nation as well. Our main motivation is to learn from this occurrence and to ensure that we apply the recommendations that this report has, so as to ensure that such an event is averted in the future. The sea is often unforgiving and our history documents very well events of vessels sinking or going missing. With the report in hand I will now sit down with respective agencies to review and to ensure that we act on the key recommendations that the MAIB has made. We owe it to the families and to those who survived and all Seychellois to ensure that more is done to avert such tragedies in the future,” said Minister Morgan.

The report having been formally handed over to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Transport will be closely reviewed in consultation with the Seychelles Maritime Safety Administration and the Seychelles Police.

It is to be recalled that in the incident, which occurred halfway between Praslin and La Digue, three persons – two women and a man – lost their lives.

More than 80kg of drugs destroyed

More than 80kg of drugs were destroyed over the weekend.

The 79.779kg of cannabis herbal material and 3.954kg of cannabis were burnt

at the Seychelles Hospital’s incinerator in the presence of members of the judiciary criminal justice stakeholders committee.

They included the judiciary, attorney general, National Drugs Enforcement Agency (NDEA), prison authorities and the police.

Cases related to the drugs have either ended in a sentence, acquittal or the defendants have exhausted their right of appeal.

Regarding the Charita drug case all the lawyers agreed that the exhibit could be destroyed – 79kg of herbal material along with other substances.

The Registrar of the Supreme Court Julianna Esticot said the drug-destroying exercise was a necessary one.


The police force in the Seychelles is a national body which falls under the control of the National Commissioner of Police, who is appointed by the President subject to the approval of the National Assembly....


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