Central Police Headquarters, Victoria
Mon - Fri: 8.00 am to 4.00 pm.
Crime Sropper


Kominike Lapolis

Lapolis pe raporte ki sa pti fiy 10 an kin mor yer swar i apel Hessa Lafortune ki reste Petit Paris e ki ti dan en fonksyon prive kot en lakour Pointe Larue dan konpani son manman.

Sa lensidan trazik in an rezilta blesir serye ki Hessa tin resevwar lo serten parti son lekor apre ki I tin bat dan en “sliding door” letan I ti pe zwe avek lezot son bann pti kanmarad.

Lapolis pe fer lanket dan sa lensidan ki lotorite medikal ti enform li lo la ver 22:38 diswar apre ki Hessa tin ganny transporte “casualty” par en transpor prive pour lasistans medikal.  

Kominike Lapolis

En garson 24an sorti Perseverance in admit lopital Sesel anrezilta en aksidan ozordi bomaten dan zanmerant Mason Du Peuple.

Drayver sa transpor ek en pyeton zot in ganny trete apre plitar ganny large. In etablir ki transpor ki sa 2 dimoun ti ladan ti pe fer direksyon Lavil ti perdi kontrol e tap en zonm lo trotwar.

Lapolis ti ganny alerte lo sa aksidan ver 6er 50 bomaten en lanket in komanse dan sa enn ka.

Kominike Lapolis

Lapolis pe raporte ki sa zonm ki tin ganny arete koman sispe dan plizyer ka labi seksyel e plizyer lezot lofans kriminel in ganny anmenn ankour ozordi e lakour in akord demann lapolis pour li reste lo rimann antretan ki I kontinnyen avek son lanket


Sa zonm ki tin ganny arete an relasyon avek lensidan kot en madanm ti perdi son lavi Grand Anse Mahe pandan letan gro lapli e linondasyon Vandredi pase  in ganny anmenn ankour ozordi kot in ganny large lo plizyer kondisyon antretan ki lanket dan sa ka I kontinnyen.


En garson 16 an ki reste Pointe Larue in pas devan lakour Mazistra  dan prezans son manman Vandredi le 16 Desanm e mazistra in ordonnen ki I ganny rimann an detansyon lapolis pou li repas ankour le 30 desanm.

Sa garson pe ganny prosekite koman sispe dan 3 diferan ka vole dan transpor. Premye ka ti ariv dan distrik Au Cap le 28 Out, 2yenm le 11 Septanm Pointe Larue e 3yenm ka ti dan Victoria le 3 Desanm.


Lapolis pe egalman raporte ki Kurtis Johnny Marc Sinon in kondannen pour lofans kas lakaz osibyen ki pour vole dan lakaz, 2 lofans komet le 13 Zilyet dan distrik Anse Etoile.

Pou lofans kas lakaz Sinon  in ganny en santans 5 an tandis ki pour vole 2 an prizon e sa 2 term pou mars separeman ki fer 7 an antou. Mazistra in sepandan ordonnen ki letan fer par Sinon lo rimann I ganny dedwir lo son santans.

An relasyon avek ka Sinon kot labwason alkolize avek bizou ti ganny vole e plitar mazorite bann propriyete ganny rekipere swivan lanket ti annan egalman 4 sispe ki ti ganny arete e ganny sarze koman reseler.

Tou le 4 akize in egalman kondannen dan sa ka, me diferans dan zot ka I ki zot santans in ganny sispann.

Sa bann akize i 3 zonm avek en madanm kin kondann ant 8 mwan a 18 mwan avek santans sispann ant 12 mwan a 3 an prizon. Si zanmen zot ganny sarze e ganny trouve koupab avan ki zot term prizon sispann I ekspire zot poun kas sa  bann kondisyon alor zot pour bezwen fer zot santans prizon.

Mazistra ki ti pe ekout sa ka  ti rann zizman ladan le 9 desanm.

Sispe dan ka lanmor Ans Norde I ganny rimann.

Lapolis in raporte ki sa zonm 49 an sorti Ans Norde ki ti ganny arete Merkredi le 7 Desanm koman sispe dan ka lanmor Cliff Pillay in ganny anmenn ankour ozordi bomaten kot Ziz lakour Siprenm in ordonnen ki I ganny rimann ziska le 23 Desanm.

O moman son lanmor Pillay ki aze 43 an ti li osi pe reste Ans Norde.

Swivan lanket ki an progre in etablir ki Pillay in mor an rezilta blesir resevwar lo serten parti son lekor pandan en lensidan bagar raporte arive kot laplenn Ans Norde merkredi apremidi.

Lapolis ti ganny enformen lo sa lensidan ver 1:15.

Kominike Lapolis

En lanket in komans dan ka lanmor sa viziter Madanm 43an sorti Luxembourg ki ti ganny dekouver mor andeor "Trail" ant Zimbabwe e Cherimond tar yerswar annatandan rapor rezilta letopsi pou determin ekzakt lakoz son lanmor.

In etablir ki sa viziter madanm ti akonpanyen avek son msye kot zot ti pe vizit "Trail" Zimbabwe lo Pralen letan ki zot ti perdi semen e al andeor " Trail ". E plitar sa madanm in tonm dan en ranpar kot in ganny dimal enpe partou lo son lekor.

Angaze dan sa loperasyon resers ek sekour kin pran enpe plis ki 12 erdtan ti zofisye lapolis, lazans servis tenny dife ek sovtaz, militer, pilot drone pou lapolis e militer, egalman zofisye lapolis sorti 

diferan younit lo Mahe e sivilyen lo Pralen tin osi mobilize pou asiste.

Lanmor Ans Norde

En zonm dan son 40 tenn lannen in ganny sertifye mor lo laplenn Anse Norde ozordi apremidi. Dapre rapor sa in vin swivan en bagar ant li avek en lot zonm.

Lapolis ti ganny enformen lo sa lensidan ver 1:15 apremidi par en koud telefonn anonim sorti kot en madanm.

Sispe dan sa prezimen ka mert I aze 49 an ki reste Ans Norde.

Lanket in komanse pou etablir ekzakt sirkonstans otour sa lensidan annatandan rezilta letopsi pou determin ekzakt lakoz lanmor sa zonm.

Man formally charged for sexual and human trafficking related offences.

A resident of Mahe has been officially charged before the Supreme Court yesterday Monday 5th December with 36 counts of criminal offences including child trafficking, sexual assault, extortion, prohibited visual recording, possession of indecent material and trafficking in person.

In response to a complaint filed, and within 48 hours, the police identified the suspect and conducted an arrest on 7th November 2022.

After being apprehended, the suspect was remanded into police custody until he was formally charged yesterday.  The Chief Justice ordered that the accused continue to be held in police custody until 19th December 2022.  Reporting restrictions under section 58C (1) of the Criminal Procedure Code were also imposed.

Seychelles Police Force are grateful to the Ministry of Health, the Student Welfare Section of the Ministry of Education and Human Resources, and the Department of Social Services of the Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs for their continued support and collaboration in this investigation.

The police will continue to investigate this matter and further charges are expected in due course.   If you believe that you, a family member or friend have been a victim of online sexual exploitation and would wish to report the matter to our highly trained specialist police officers in the strictest confidence please call or WhatsApp our Operation Red Robin team on +248 2722279

Mr Ron Bonnelame relieved of his duties.

As part of the ongoing reforms in the Police Force, among which is to have one Deputy Commissioner of Police, Mr Ron Bonnelame who held the office of Deputy Commissioner since the 31st of Augist 2021 has been relieved of his duties as of today Monday the 05th of December.

Mr Francis Songoire will now serve as the only Deputy Commissioner of Police. The Commissioner of Police has thanked Mr Bonnelame for his little more than one year in office.

Deandro Estico 11an i perdi son lavi dan en aksidan fatal Beolier.

Estico ti ganny sertifye mor Sant lasante Anse Boileau kot I tin ganny transporte pou lasistans medikal. In etablir ki Estico ti pe mont en biskilet o moman sa aksidan kot i ti pe fer direksyon desant pou al ver Port Glaud ansortan Beolier letan ki i ti perdi kontrol son bisiklet e tonm dan rigol kot in sibir dimal grav dan son latet e figir. I ti resevwar premye swen sirplas avek en Paramedic e Nurse ki ti "off duty" avan ganny met dan lanmen zofisye medikal.

Lapolis ti ganny alerte lo sa aksidan ver 12:45 apremidi . Sa i fer 15yenm fatal rikorde pour sa lannen.

Kominike Lapolis

Kenny, Steven Gilbert 29an sorti Marie Jeanne Estate Praslin in formelman ganny sarze devan lakour mazistra lo Praslin pou 5 ka vol e Trespas kriminel. Sa bann ka ti ganny raporte avek lapolis pandan mwan Zen 2022 ziska Oktob 2022.

Mazistra in enpoz plizyer kondisyon serye lo sa aprezan akize, ki enkli pey lanmann. Vi ki I pann reisi akord demann lakour pou son laliberte provizwar, Sa akize In ganny rimann pou 14 zour andetansyon servis prizon.

Lakour in etablir ki sa menm akize, ki tin deza konment serten lofans an 2018 a 2019, lakour tinn ordonnen ki I pey en lanmann. I pann pey sa lanmann pandan tou sa letan alors mazistra In kondonn li 4 mwan prizon Montagne Posse.

I ekspekte repas ankor ankour le 7 Desanm pou son bann lezot ka.


The police force in the Seychelles is a national body which falls under the control of the National Commissioner of Police, who is appointed by the President subject to the approval of the National Assembly....


Police Headquarters, P.O Box 46, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles

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